Personal Branding Photography – Diesha Cooper
Introducing Diesha Cooper
Founder & Fractional Exec at Execuly
Q. Why did you start your business?
A. I started Execuly to provide businesses with access to executive hires that don’t have the need or budget for FT. I have a passion for small business success and this is a way that I can help change the trajectory of small businesses in the US.
Q. What do you offer?
A. I personally work as an operational CFO for multiple small businesses. I also help small businesses determine what their needs are for a fractional executive hire, find the perfect match for the position, and support the ongoing work relationship. Execuly has a large network of fractional executives that span industries and specialties.
Q. Why did you want photos?
A. I think that original photos are incredibly important in marketing. I wanted photos that depicted my personal and collective brand and would relay the heart of the work that I am doing.
Q. Your advice to entrepreneurs:
A. It’s easy as an entrepreneur to isolate yourself and allow life to become you against the world. Be intentional about building and fostering community. Ask for help and support when you need it. Intentionally delegate what you can. Build a team that shares your values and will bring your vision to life.
When is the last time you felt seen?
As one of the top headshot and personal branding photographers in Lancaster, PA, I specialize in helping business owners, entrepreneurs and creatives magnetize their brands with intentional, eye-catching images they actually love. It’s an experience that will transform how you see yourself.
I invite you to experience the power of feeling seen, so you can book your dream clients!